Friday, April 4, 2008


Mama hooked up half a smoked chicken.

Im making some DANK chicken lasagna.

End Of Story, Enough said.


and for the record...

current events are affirmations of my general outlook, not specific people. oh wait, abbie you are the only one who reads this and ive just told you that on messenger. i AM a dork!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Why Ill Be Single Forever

I hate to be trite, but I've seen these funky lil photos around that quote -

"For once I want just one girl to prove to me they are not all the same."....


A wise friend of mine, aka abbie, once told me you gotta find a girl that likes you for you, and has to let you play videogames...

Well I dont see it happening anytime soon.

Pff .. I can be a bachelor forever, no matter what my mom tells me.

Someone pour me a drink to put out these flames.....