Friday, April 4, 2008


Mama hooked up half a smoked chicken.

Im making some DANK chicken lasagna.

End Of Story, Enough said.


and for the record...

current events are affirmations of my general outlook, not specific people. oh wait, abbie you are the only one who reads this and ive just told you that on messenger. i AM a dork!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Why Ill Be Single Forever

I hate to be trite, but I've seen these funky lil photos around that quote -

"For once I want just one girl to prove to me they are not all the same."....


A wise friend of mine, aka abbie, once told me you gotta find a girl that likes you for you, and has to let you play videogames...

Well I dont see it happening anytime soon.

Pff .. I can be a bachelor forever, no matter what my mom tells me.

Someone pour me a drink to put out these flames.....

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Recon Mission

The Recon Mission So I figure out at 230am, messed up on penicillin and codeine, half dizzy, half macho man, that I have to go on a recon mission to wauds to find my reciept. I get my little trusty flashlight, murder myself out in all black, and creep over there.. good thing theres only 4 BINS FULL.. ugh... I find a bag that has our stuff in it and think i got it so i bring it back home. Good thing curiousity struck, so I started looking through the garbage to realize this was last weeks bag.. crap, im gonna have to go back!

so i again creep back over, this time with a bag already in hand, looking to make a swap. low and behold, i find the back im looking for on the bottom, and dont bother taking, i open it up and start looking. i can see it now.... Lusby arrested for cat burglaring wauds funeral home garbage....

I happen to luck out and find the prescription bag, with the reciept right on top, next to the can of shit soup i tried eating for dinner. I put the receipt in my pocket, clean up my mess, and sleek back home, feeling accomplished, ready for gatorade and some more sleep.

Pencillin.... Is A Tough Mother Fooka....

I have met my match.... So the Doc says I gotta take the hardest meds for this, and hes sure I can take it cause of what Ive already told him, and I say yah, just hook up some "good" stuff too. he obliges.

I take the first bout of penicillin about 4pm on wednesday, followed by a codeine. Within ten minutes, its an all out sweat fest...
at least the codeine has enable me to swallow with a lil ease, but holy hell this penicillin is raping, and I MEAN RAPING me.
Over the course of the night, I pop probably four codeines, like a good boy should, and another pencillin before bed at 830. im not going to work the next day. I wake up in the middle of the night at about 1230, drenched, but not to bad, and so i take another codeine and penecillin thinking they will do me good till about 8am... NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND....

230 rolls around and the fun begins...
I get up thinking i have to pee... in a matter of 5 minutes, i go from standing over the toilet trying to pee, getting dizzy, falling over, dry heaving twice, and passed out again the rr cabinet in a nice chair position. Sweat IS POURING off of me...
Im only out a second, so i sit and collect myself and realize the dry heaves where probably dehydration since i can already see how much weight ive lost. so i sip some more gatorade and get my composure to get up and go back to bed.....

But then something strikes me, "where is my pharamacy receipt?" i remember keepin the vouchers but i must tossed the receipt, so i go to check the garbage, only to find scott has taken the garbage out "over to wauds" ... oh crap....

The Week That Has Been....

So here it goes... The week that has been, and is Still in progress...

Saturday - Its nighttime, and Scott and I are out mobbing the town, talking to random street hookers, and stealing "for sale" signs and moving to different houses, or into peoples houses, when I suddenly feel a twinge in my throat, and I reluctantly cough. Oh know, poor me another drink.

Sunday - Morning I have a full fledged sore throat, yet manageable. I pass it off as having one to many drinks from a bartender who had no idea how to make a long island. Its not called a Sweet N Sour Island you dumb Beetch. But as I recall, I really overall didn't consume that much. So I attempt to hit the gym where I find that i have No Energy whatsoever, even after my usual routine. Uh Oh, this isn't good. By Sunday night im caved up in my room with the heat cranked to 90 and four blankets, 4 shirts, and two sweatshirts. Shannon stops by and I am uneventful to say the least. Probably looked like jabba the hut....

Monday- Hold down the bed day. except we have a problem. I cant sleep for more than ten minutes at a time cause i soon as I swallow the pain wakes me, or i start choking on this mucas crap that has just kept flowing out of my brain to whereever it feels. I dont sleep much at all , but lay around all day and do nothing. I skip my teams game.

Tuesday - Work. I made it. sort of.... waste of space, but manageable. still very sore, and it hurt really back to look up; id get a sharp pain behind my eyeballs. I make it through work, and lay the rest of the day doing nothing but trying an odd mixture of cheap medicines that almost put me to sleep, but at the same time were making me halucinate like i was on PCP. Those fuckers at safeway put some wierd shit in their drugs...I attend my teams game, and am able to run for 3 minutes at a time. they mock me, but I score 20 points in 8 minutes, and am probably the reason we win by 3. i think im on the mend...

I get in bed. Midnight rolls around, and its rush to the rr, and cover your eyes, i start dry heaving this ORANGE FOAMY crap that i have no idea .... ugh.... BUT I STILL GO TO WORK ON WEDNESDAY!

Wednesday - struggle, but make it through work. cant swallow, and cant breathe all the way in, so i finally break down and tell my mom to call the doc. she starts freaking....

The Doc - I show up at Dan Arthurs, and it goes like this.

"OMG, you are either really buff or you have enough clothes on to make this really really bad....."

temp reads 103. blood pressure is perfect.

then he checks my throat and ears....

"I honestly I have No idea how you are upright right now to tell you the truth...."

He prescribes me Pencillin and Codeine.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Like Curd Floatin In The Whey...

So while sitting here watching "No Country For Old Men," my mind is racing all over and fuming like a dragster running on pure octane... so here it goes

For starters, this bad guy in this movie is a BAD MAN. Period. Shotgun. Silencer, and a god damn mean streak from hell.

work. we havent even yet fully engulfed into contract negotiations, and the shit is already starting to swirl... I can only hope that the males in the world will TRY and act their ages, cause as of right now, it aint happening. F*ckers...

i miss my friends, and the times we use to have. fuckers gotta go and get married, or move away.... and lately ive especially been thinking bout Logan and Einar. What i would give to have a beer with those crazy fuckers.

Muscles. Time to start stage two. almost to 300 on the bench; hangin a lil over 200 for body weight, but if i could only beat the 6 hours of sleep a night i could really step it up.... but ill get there.

Tats... Its almost time to get my tats for my grandmas and lrh and einar... closing in on what i want and the likes... get excited...

Thats all for now... the ending is coming for Tommy Lee Jones I think...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Rob and Big

So while most tv shows really dont captivate my attention, there is a show that I just cannot wait to see everyweek. Rob and Big follows around professional skateboarder Rob Dyrdek and his bodyguard Christoper "Big Black" Boykins. If you have seen this show you know that you almost pee yourself when its over, and that frankly, these are guys you would just want to kick it with.

This clip is the hit on spidey:

Tuesday's episode with the crazy bums and Zeus jumping into the foam pit were pretty classic, but heres the trailer for season 3

So if you havent caught it, its on tuesdays on MTV. thank god for some fresh tv...

The Blog

so after repeatedly, day after day reading the life and times of the Budd family, and in accordance with the twisted thoughts that ravaging my brain, I have decided to start a blog.

That in itself is crazy, and there are so many kinds of crazy in this world, right Abbie?

Ok, so now Im going to enjoy my day off and think of what to blog....


Daniel Son